Category Archives: Family Law

DSS Parent Representation


At The Law Firm we work with The Department of Social Services, DSS, to ensure legal representation of parents involved in cases of abuse, neglect, dependency, and the termination of parental rights. These services are designed to fulfill the needs of families dealing with the child welfare system and the courts. Therefore, competent representation is […]

Grandparent’s Rights

Grandparents Rights

Grandparent’s rights in North Carolina typically apply to the custody of a grandchild and visitation privileges. There are no automatic grandparent’s rights and grandparents have no automatic visitation rights unless they go to court. Grandparents may file suit requesting custody or visitation if they believe it is in the child’s best interest, or if the child’s […]


Alimony is financial support that a person is ordered by a court to give to his or her spouse following divorce. The purpose of alimony is to minimize unfair economic effects of a divorce by providing a reoccurring income to a supporting spouse. A supporting spouse is typically the spouse with a significantly lower-income or […]